There are three basic entities in ControlBoard -- jobs, resources, and allocations. You know what a job is, it's just a project you're working on. A resource is anything you can assign to a job -- labor, equipment, material, subcontractors, or crews.
An allocation is just the interaction of a job and a resource. It's an assignment of a resource to a job for a certain period of time.
The schedule screens in ControlBoard are all designed to do one thing: allocate resources. On the job schedule, you can drag resources to jobs. On the resource schedule, you can drag jobs to resources. On the crew schedule, you can drag jobs to crews, thus scheduling every resource in that crew at once. In every case you're doing the same thing -- allocating resources.
For example, open the Job Schedule (Schedule > JobSchedule from the menu at the top left). You'll see a list of resources in the left-hand column and a grid of jobs to its right. Each column in the grid represents a day. Drag a resource from the left to any cell in the grid. You've just allocated a resource. Drag the resource to a different job, or a different day. Click several resources on the left and drag them to the grid all at once. Remove an allocation by dragging it to the trash can at the top left.
Congratulations! You now know how to schedule in ControlBoard.